
Tea Party And Oath Keepers MIA 2000-2008

I have had one underlying question since the inception of the Tea Party, Oath Keepers, and the resurgence of the militia movements; where were they from 2000-2008?  This seems to be a legitimate question that nobody within the movements can or wants to answer.

This is not (as some might characterize) an attempt to call anyone who does not like president Obama or his policies a racist.  Although there is little doubt that there are racist members of all of the groups in question (based on member comments on websites, signs at rallies, and the sudden need to protect the constitution from the very things the prior administration did at will) I believe Barack Obama happens to be the perfect storm of a “liberal”, a democrat, and a black guy.

For some reason the groups did not find it necessary to form when King Dubya was playing cowboy with the constitution that they claim to hold so dear.  Here is a short reminder of Bush-era accomplishments that did not trouble the Tea Party, Oath Keepers, or militia-necks:

1.  Patriot Act

Violated 1st and 4th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and was found to be unconstitutional in court.  Unconstitutional-oh no here comes the Tea Party?

2.  Military Commisions Act of 2006

Supreme Court ruled it an unconstitutional encroachment of habeas corpus rights.  Here comes the Oath Keepers?

3.  NSA Warrantless Surveillance

Executive order to spy without a warrant!  This is number 2 on the Oath Keepers “Orders We Will Not Obey” list.  Apparently it was an order they would obey during the Bush administration?

4.  Authorization for use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF)

Bush issued a Presidential Military Order to detain so called enemy combatants.  This is number 3 on the Oath Keepers “Orders We Will Not Obey”.

5.  Unfunded Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Bush and the Republicans did not include the $1 Trillion dollar costs of the wars under the military budget but instead tried to hide the costs in supplemental funding bills.  That is $1 Trillion BORROWED dollars for all of the people crying about deficits for healthcare.

6.  Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

Socialized Medicine?  Entitlement?  Projected cost of $550 Billion!  The year was 2003 and the Tea Party was…?

7.  2002 Farm Bill Subsidies

The total was $170 Billion over ten years (twice the cost of your tax dollars than any other farm bill in history).  The year was 2002…7 full years before this would be considered socialism by the Tea Party.

8.  No Child Left Behind

The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) opposed the legislation because of…wait for it… its expansion of the federal government’s role in education.  The AASA had an issue with the expansion of government but the Tea Party was okay with it.

9.  Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

Signed into law by President GEORGE W. BUSH on October 3, 2008.  Surely the Tea Party formed the very next day-hahahahaha?  I would be willing to bet the lot that a majority of Tea Party members think Obama signed TARP.  Seriously-how much do you want to lose?

10.  John Yoo (DOJ Office of Legal Counsel-GWB 2001-2003)

Yoo helped develop the legal justification for the detention of enemy combatants, torture, the policy declaring that the president is not bound by the war crimes act, and for warrantless wiretapping.  Mr. Yoo seemingly violated the Oath Keepers “Orders We Will Not Obey” numbers 2, 3, 4, 7, and 10.  Surely the Oath Keepers formed right after Mr. Yoo’s work surfaced-hahahahaha?

I’m sure I could go to 20, 30, or 40 but I think the 10 examples above are enough to prove my point and to help call into question the timing of the Tea Party, Oath Keepers, etc.  Where were they during the signing of the socialized Farm Bill?  Why did John Yoo not send them running to recite their oath to the constitution?  Why didn’t the militia-necks stage mock exercises and rallies when Bush signed the Patriot Act?  Any single example above should be enough to trump anything the Obama administration has done so far or even dreamed of doing (off in their underground socialist Mosque-of course!).

Timing is everything-it looks like the democrats will get crushed in a couple of weeks and we will see if these movements stay true to their  so-called principles (as their candidates takeover) or if like the militia movements from the Clinton years-they silently go back home until the next “liberal” is selected?

Peace be with you,

Leftneck Jesus

One thought on “Tea Party And Oath Keepers MIA 2000-2008

  1. Crizzle, could’t agree more. Well put and I would love to hear a coherent counter argument—just afraid there won’t and cannot be. The truth hurts soo good. Salem Ali-quom or peace be with you or Praise Black Baby Jesus.

    Ezekizzle 25:17

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