The New Opiate Of The Masses
It cracks me up that 40% of Americans support a tax cut that only 2% will receive. The republicans have convinced Bubba that he should …
Dancing With America
Mrs. Crizzle watches “Dancing With the Stars” and she is suddenly feeling the Palin effect. She is not as political as your boy-so I will …
de Tocqueville Was Right
de Tocqueville was right, Americans really are too stupid to govern themselves. Go ahead and call me an elitist-I am smarter than you. For proof, one …
Extreme MediocriTEA
The other troubling aspect of the TEA Party is the extreme mediocrity of their candidates. Again-if a liberal, democrat, or dad-forbid a black guy made …
Tea Party And Oath Keepers MIA 2000-2008
I have had one underlying question since the inception of the Tea Party, Oath Keepers, and the resurgence of the militia movements; where were they …
And Then There Was Leftneck…
So if you are reading this, then you are one of the chosen few here on earth, or at least the United States. If you …